This author was at the Burns and Gobble Bookstore in Riverpark this week. It was quite interesting, albeit exciting, to see two magazines covering Cosplay!
Goes to show us that this 'expressive art-form', as I consider it, is gaining momentum.
Anyway, one article noted some contention about an article written regarding- oh what was it? . . . . I forget.
(What do I expect at one o'clock in the morning after being awakened by a cramp in my left-leg shin?)
Whatever it was about reminded me of an interview we will be posting soon on YouTube at CINEMA CIRCUS; a video recorded at our recent event here in Fresno that Rick Pheoung organized called 'Ani-Me POP Summit'.
During this particular interview with Lindsey Kister (an extremely prolific cosplayer with over 70 costumes to her name, and who was previously featured in one of our CINEMA CIRCUS YouTube posts) made two salient points that I think worth sharing at his hour.
One of these is that the costume she made for the Summit was made from articles that were of a 'recycled or regenerated' nature- eco-friendly if you will.
The second, and perhaps the most intriguing, was that she said that (paraphrasing here) that "one does not have to spend a lot of money to make a costume that one can enjoy wearing and still be a part of the whole cosplay phenomena!"- end unquote.
. . . . . Come to think of it again, I do remember that the article I mentioned previously was supporting her point of view.
That is, the cosplay magazine article reported that some entity had been demeaning in that this entity was promoting a negative perspective; one that inferred that being a cosplayer was NOT really all about enjoying the experience, but was seen as supporting the perspective that having some technological mastery of a set of complex skill level(s), or having an elevated budget, was what cosplay is, or should be about.
Whether they meant to infer this or not is irrelevant because that was how it was taken by the cosplay community!
The cosplay-public was VERY upset with this stance, and they eventually recanted what they said in order to quench the flames of anger.
Considering the furor that was caused by this negative contention, I have to sit here at this computer- before I try to get some shut-eye again- and re-appreciate Lindsey's statements and perspective, and that this young lady- 'Gets it'!
So, whether you take an old handkerchief and turn it into a mask, or glue some crumpled grocery bags together to fashion a leather-like vest, cut-up Chlorox bottles to make your armor-
BE the WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE TO BE because when it is all said and done, Cosplayers recognize that you possess the super-powers to live out the freedom to express your individuality, your inner hero, villain, or whatever in you that YOU want to!
Like special forces engaged behind enemy lines, we will hold fast to the motto: "No cosplayers left behind!"
If you still need to live up to someone's expectations- live up to YOURS!
The truth is, that when it comes to your passion and creativity-
not even the sky can limit you!
Goes to show us that this 'expressive art-form', as I consider it, is gaining momentum.
Anyway, one article noted some contention about an article written regarding- oh what was it? . . . . I forget.
(What do I expect at one o'clock in the morning after being awakened by a cramp in my left-leg shin?)
Whatever it was about reminded me of an interview we will be posting soon on YouTube at CINEMA CIRCUS; a video recorded at our recent event here in Fresno that Rick Pheoung organized called 'Ani-Me POP Summit'.
During this particular interview with Lindsey Kister (an extremely prolific cosplayer with over 70 costumes to her name, and who was previously featured in one of our CINEMA CIRCUS YouTube posts) made two salient points that I think worth sharing at his hour.
One of these is that the costume she made for the Summit was made from articles that were of a 'recycled or regenerated' nature- eco-friendly if you will.
The second, and perhaps the most intriguing, was that she said that (paraphrasing here) that "one does not have to spend a lot of money to make a costume that one can enjoy wearing and still be a part of the whole cosplay phenomena!"- end unquote.
. . . . . Come to think of it again, I do remember that the article I mentioned previously was supporting her point of view.
That is, the cosplay magazine article reported that some entity had been demeaning in that this entity was promoting a negative perspective; one that inferred that being a cosplayer was NOT really all about enjoying the experience, but was seen as supporting the perspective that having some technological mastery of a set of complex skill level(s), or having an elevated budget, was what cosplay is, or should be about.
Whether they meant to infer this or not is irrelevant because that was how it was taken by the cosplay community!
The cosplay-public was VERY upset with this stance, and they eventually recanted what they said in order to quench the flames of anger.
Considering the furor that was caused by this negative contention, I have to sit here at this computer- before I try to get some shut-eye again- and re-appreciate Lindsey's statements and perspective, and that this young lady- 'Gets it'!
So, whether you take an old handkerchief and turn it into a mask, or glue some crumpled grocery bags together to fashion a leather-like vest, cut-up Chlorox bottles to make your armor-
BE the WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE TO BE because when it is all said and done, Cosplayers recognize that you possess the super-powers to live out the freedom to express your individuality, your inner hero, villain, or whatever in you that YOU want to!
Like special forces engaged behind enemy lines, we will hold fast to the motto: "No cosplayers left behind!"
If you still need to live up to someone's expectations- live up to YOURS!
The truth is, that when it comes to your passion and creativity-
not even the sky can limit you!